Heads Up Rockhounds — DUGWAY GEODE CLAIM
Save the Geodes! The BLM is threatening to close the only commercial claim on the Dugway Geode beds, in operation for the last 50 years, because the renewal paperwork was late this year. The claim is run by the Crapo family under the business name “The Bug House” and new mining claims will not be issued by the BLM for any commercial geode mining because the geode bed is a restricted area.
Public response to urge renewal of the claim is critical. The Crapo family has always supported the rock hound community and made sure that anyone who collected on their claim came away with lots of good geodes. Now it’s our turn to support them so please get the word out to anyone interested in preserving this important collection area.
Please send your emails in support of renewing this important claim to the following email addresses at the BLM and bcc the bughouse at their address below, so they can see who is supporting their efforts.
Deputy State Director Lands & Minerals: Kent Hoffman E-mail: khoffman@blm.gov
Minerals Support Supervisor: Robert L Bankert E-mail: rbankert@blm.gov
Bureau of Land Management Fillmore Field Office E-mail: utfmmail@blm.gov
The Bug House E-mail: bughouse@xmission.com
Thank you,
Golden Spike Gem & Mineral Society
November 29, 2015