RHS1 Connector – November 2005
In this issue…Feature Fact — Greenland Diamonds –RHS1 Club News — — Rockhound Recipes and Tips, column –Travel: — Prineville, Oregon – Feature Article, Serial, Metaphysics and History of Minerals, this issue, Topaz.
The Egyptian Book of the Dead was not actually a bound book as we know it, but a collection of tablets and papyrus. Certain chapters of the Egyptian Book of the Dead were engraved on gem materials. These chapters dealt with invoking the God associated with the particular gemstone the chapter is enscribed upon. Among stones used to convey chapters are lapis-lazuli, carnelian, andfeldspar.
Greenland Part 2:

By Indiana and the webdroids…Saturday, November 05, 2005
“128 diamonds found in samples from three dykes in West Greenland Composite rock samples of 1,000-1,060 kg from three kimberlitic occurrences in the Maniitsoq-Kangerlussuaq region of southern West Greenland have been processed and examined for diamonds. The test resulted in 128 diamonds. The largest diamond measures 0.74 × 0.63 × 0.54 mm.
The results, together with geological and geophysical field observations from the sampled sites, were released on 7 March 2004 in an open file report from the Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS).”
Further information:
Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland, contact person: Senior Research Scientist Sven Monrad Jensen,. phone: +45 38 14 22 12. E-mail: smj@geus.dk The report is available at GEUS: S. M. Jensen, K. Secher & T. M. Rasmussen 2004: Diamond content of three kimberlitic occurrences in southern West Greenland. Danmarks og Grønlands Geologiske Undersøgelse Rapport 2004/19, 41 pages.
Extract from “Danish Environment Newsletter” No. 32 – June 2004
The discovery of diamonds in Greenland
In september 2004,the Canadian prospecting company Hudson Resources announced that it had made a diamond find in Sarfartoq, western Greenland, 120 diamonds, in all, nine of them larger than a half-millimeter in diameter. The diamonds were found in layers of kimberlite in a sample of 107.9kg of rocks.
Rock Hound Station 1
Global Rockhound Community
by NatureLady
Nov 05:
If you are a fossil hound, you are probably more than a little familiar with being uncertain about what it is legal for you to take home with you. Laws seem to fluctuate with each new administration and there has been no shortage of bills introduced in the last decade regarding the collection of fossil material. Finding up to date information even on the web can be arduous and unproductive.
After one sweating session on the web which resulted in finding nothing dated past 2003, I contacted the staff at www.agiweb.org. Katie Ackerly of the AGI Government Affairs department has been very helpful, providing current information for those of you caught in a quandary about what to do about your last amazing find.
The last bill introduced, which can be viewd at http://www.agiweb.org/gap/legis109/fossils.html; passed the full Senate on July 26, 2005. There is a report accompanying the bill which was released by the bills sponsors that clarifies the bill in plain English and gives the reader perspective on the purpose and intent of the bill.
. I have included this summary below for your convenience, but make sure to keep these URL’s handy so you can review this info at your own need.
Also please note that the Paleontological Research Institution and the Paleontological Society can offer quick information about what kind of collecting is prohibited in your area. These societies can be reached via www.agiweb.org. SUMMARY AS OF: 7/26/2005–Passed Senate, amended. (There is 1 other summary)
Paleontological Resources Preservation Act – (Sec. 3) Directs the Secretary of the Interior or the Secretary of Agriculture (the Secretary) to: (1) manage and protect paleontological resources on federal land, using scientific principles and expertise; and (2) develop plans for inventorying, monitoring, and deriving the scientific and educational use of such resources.
(Sec. 4) Directs the Secretary to establish a program to increase public awareness about such resources.
(Sec. 5) Prohibits a person from collecting a paleontological resource from federal land without a permit issued under this Act by the Secretary. Authorizes the Secretary to allow casual collecting of a reasonable amount of common invertebrate and plant paleontological resources for non-commercial personal uses without a permit on certain federal lands. Recognizes as valid permits issued before enactment of this Act.
Sets forth criteria by which the Secretary may issue permits for paleontological resources. Requires that any paleontological resource and associated records collected under a permit be deposited in an approved repository.
Allows the Secretary to modify, suspend, or revoke a permit under specified circumstances, including if there is a violation of a term or a condition of a permit.
Declares that a permit shall be revoked if any person working under the authority of the permit is convicted of a criminal offense under this Act or assessed a civil penalty under this Act.
(Sec. 6) States that the Secretary may enter into agreements with non-federal repositories regarding the curation of paleontological resources, data, and records.
(Sec. 7) Prohibits: (1) evacuating, removing or altering a paleontological resource located on federal lands, except in accordance with this Act; (2) exchanging or receiving a paleontological resource, if the person knew or should have known such resource to have been illegally removed from federal lands; (3) selling or purchasing a paleontological resource, if the person knew or should have known such resource to have been illegally removed from federal lands; or (4) making or submitting false records, accounts, or identification of any paleontological resource excavated or removed from federal lands. Imposes criminal penalties for violating this Act.
(Sec. 8) Sets forth requirements for the assessment of civil penalties by the Secretary for violations of any prohibitions contained in regulations or permits issued under this Act. Requires any recovered amounts to be available for use: (1) to protect or restore paleontological resources and sites which were the subject of the action, or to acquire sites with equivalent resources, and to protect, monitor, and study the resources and sites; (2) to provide educational materials to the public about paleontological resources and sites; and (3) as a reward.
(Sec. 9) Allows the Secretary to pay from penalties collected under this Act a reward to any person who furnishes information leading to the finding of a civil violation, or the conviction of criminal violation, with respect to which the penalty was paid. Provides for the civil or, as appropriate, the criminal forfeiture of all paleontological resources with respect to which a civil or criminal violation occurred, and of all vehicles and equipment that were used in connection with the violation. Allows the Secretary to transfer administration of seized paleontological resources to educational institutions for scientific or educational purposes.
(Sec. 10) Requires that information on the nature and specific location of a paleontological resource that requires a permit under this Act or other federal law be withheld from the public, including under the Freedom of Information Act, except under specified conditions.
(Sec. 11) Directs the Secretary to issue such regulations as are appropriate to carry out this Act, while providing opportunities for public notice and comment.
(Sec. 12) Declares that nothing in this Act shall be construed to do certain things, including to: (1) modify any activity under the general mining laws, the mineral or geothermal leasing laws, laws providing for minerals materials disposal, or laws providing for the management or regulation of the activities authorized by the aforementioned laws; (2) modify any activities under existing laws and authorities relating to reclamation and multiple uses of federal lands; or (3) alter or diminish the authority of a federal agency under any other law to provide protection for paleontological resources on federal lands in addition to the protection provided under this Act.
(Sec. 13) Authorizes appropriations.
For her help in bringing our readers this updated information, our thanks go to: Katie Ackerly
Government Affairs Program
American Geological Institute
Rock Hound Station 1
Global Rockhound Community
by NatureLady
Nov 05:
The Ecology Fund is making it possible for you to help clean the air free just by clicking. Site Sponsors provide funds for each click to the Michoacan Reforestation Fund. These forests are the winter home for the Monarch Butterflies. Not only does planting trees insure the survival of the Monarch butterfly, but every 25 trees planted in this forest will remove 7 ¼ tons of CO2 out of the air over the next 42 years, helping to reduce both global warming and acid rain. Can you think of a better use for your clicking finger than that?
Rock Hound Station 1
Global Rockhound Community
RHS1 Club News
If you haven’t been to the forum lately, you should do yourself a favor and take a visit. We have added many features. We now have a reading room which will be continuing to grow. These books are public domain from libraries from around the world. Indiana has done an incredible job and designed a spectacular presentation of these materials.
We also have a Business Center there where you can post articles to share with other members needing materials for websites, etc. There is also a photo data base for the same reason. Please do not confuse this image database for the Photo Gallery. You get to the Gallery via the menu bar at the top of the forum page, that is for pictures you want to display to the public. The image database in the forum is for pictures to trade for web content.
Other additions to the forum include a Marketing Center where you can buy, sell, and trade amongst members, or arrange joint ventures, and a Science and Engineering Center for our more Geo-scientifically minded members to have fun and toss some ideas around in.
As you can see, our merchant pages and Travel Center have been held up a bit longer than expected.While putting these together we are giving much thought to needs our members might have in thefuture and are using some advanced technology to assure that we will have the most state-of-the-art methods available to allow us to serve our members in as many ways as possible in the future, so please be patient with us. We have fifteen merchants at the time we are working on putting pages up for in this unified center and are coming very close to completion after a few very aggravating roadblocks.
When the merchant pages do go active, please check the Club Business area of the forum. We will be launching a promotion and a membership drive at that time and you will want to find out the details. It will be very worth your while to check that out.
I think that should cover everything for now. Hope to see you all in the forum soon.
Rock Hound Station 1
Global Rockhound Community
Ochoco Dam and Reservoir
image source: Recreation.Gov

TRAVEL – Prineville, Oregon
Of all the areas a person can go to hunt rocks, the Crook County area of Oregon is one of the most productive and pleasant. The countryside is gorgeous, altering between rolling hills, to tree covered mountains and deep winding canyons. Lakes, streams, and wildlife abound. Towns are small and friendly and offer all the necessities for hungry or weary travelers. If you are not a town person,preferring either built or primitive camping you will find yourself at no loss for great spots to park yourself, either. In fact, the only thing I can see being a problem with going into this area at all is the problem of wanting to leave when it’s time to go home.
I have my favorite little secret spot on the south side of Prineville Reservoir, somewhere between 20 and 30 miles south of Prineville on highway 27. The first few times down in the area I trolled the landscapes and found an abundance of excellent materials of all sorts: Heavily patterned jaspagates, beautifully colored banded agates of greens and golds, slabs of clear sharp quartz crystals, and geodes. After a few times there, I started exploring other areas, from the NorthEast area of the reservoir out to the Ochoco mountains directly East, North, and South of Prineville. What I found was that everywhere I went new and exciting types of specimens were just scattered around waiting to be picked up and carried off.
Ochoco National Forest meadow.
image source: Recreation.Gov

For those of you who are crazy about obsidian, take 27 down to to the highway leading into Burns and take a left turn towards Burns then go to mile marker 81. Take the 4 wheel drive trail to the south of the highway. You are now in the Glass Butte area and my bet is you’ve never seen anything like it for obsidian. Anywhere back toward the Butte itself if you get out of the car you will find yourself walking on ribbons of obsidian of all varieties, some of these ribbons are several feet wide and most just continue one for any distance you wish to follow them. I have picked up specimens of gold sheen, silver sheen, mahogany, black with red, red with black, and occasionally a piece of rainbow.
There are a few things you will want to watch for on your Prineville adventures. The first being rattlesnakes. In the lower areas, especially in the canyon on the way to the reservoir, I saw no shortage of these little guys, but have never seen one in the Mountains to the West of the town.
Of course, that doesn’t mean they aren’t there. On my third trip to the area I did find that porcupines roam freely in the area. I found that out by sitting for an hour or two at a local veterinarian’s office having quills plucked out of my dogs mouth and nose. I never saw signs of bears anywhere there while there are supposed be some, but I did see wolves and a an impressively sized cougar. The animals seem to be well fed there, as none acted particularly aggressive. That isn’t a great theory to press, however, and if you are going to be in those areas it’s a good idea to brush up on how to act safely around various types of wildlife.
.While you are scouring over maps and info this winter looking for great vacation hunting spots for next summer, you really should include a trip to Crook County, Oregon.
Rock Hound Station 1
Global Rockhound Community

These Rocking Recipes do not take much preparation or watching, so they are perfect for cooking on a campfire.
Apple Bake
— Cut the apples in quarters, remove the seeds and place apples on shiny side of a sheet of foil. Sprinkle with brown sugar, cinnamon, raisins and dot with butter. Wrap tightly and place on coals for 10 to 15 minutes.
Breakfast Boil
— Use a good quality zip close plastic bag. Break 1 to 3 eggs into the bag, add a tablespoon of milk per egg, add cheese, bacon bits, peppers, onions, mushrooms or whatever you like in your eggs.
Close the bag tightly, mush all together and drop bag into boiling water. It will take 3 to 8 minutes depending on how many bags are in the water.
Honest Onion
– — For each person, use one-half of a large onion and remove most of the center, leaving about 3 or 4 layers. Mix up a hamburger mixture or stuffing mix with your favorite seasonings (and the onion) and press into the hollowed out onion skins. Wrap tightly in foil and place on coals for about 20 to 25 minutes.
One Potato Dinner
— Hollow out the center of a raw potato, leaving about 1/2 inch all the way around with skin attached. Fill the center with spiced hamburger with a bit of tomato sauce or fresh or frozen veggies. Wrap tightly in foil and place on coals for about one hour, less for veggies.
Orange Bowl
— Cut an orange in half cross-wise and scoop out the insides and eat. Break an egg into the hollow rind and set directly onto the coals and cook for 10 to 15 minutes, or until the center is done. For biscuits, mix Bisquick as directed and fill rind 3/4 full and cook as above until toothpick comes out clean.
Orange Cake
— Have each person eat an orange by cutting a thin slice from the top and eating the pulp with a spoon leaving the skin intact. Mix a white or spice cake mix as directed on box. Pour mix into rind until 3/4 full, put the thin slice on the top and wrap in foil, place on coals and cook for 10 to 15 minutes.
Sleeping Bag Rice
— Pack instant rice in 2 heavy duty zip lock bags. Add slightly less than normal amount of boiling water (full boil). Zip it up tight and place in a sleeping bag. The rice will cook in about 20 minutes. Once the rice is done, you can add cinnamon, nutmeg, raisins and nuts to make it a dessert or snack; or you can use it as a side dish by adding butter, soy sauce or canned gravy.
Steamed Veggies
— To steam veggies, slice thinly and make a foil pack and add a little water; seal and place on or over hot coals. Check after a 1/2 hour. Serve with Sleeping Bag Rice.
Keep on Rocking ..
Eileen Trainor

Birthstone: November.
Zodiac: Sagittarius
When buying topaz, it should be noted that most blue topaz is enhanced although it is still possibleto get natural blue stones. Smokey quartz is often sold as smoked topaz, too, so care should be taken when purchasing topaz to make sure you know exactly what it is you are purchasing. When cleaning your topaz never use an ultrasonic cleaner. Avoid exposing the stone to extremes in temperature.
The name topaz is most widely thought to come from the Island of Topazos in the Red Sea or from the Greek word topazos meaning to seek. Other theory suggests that it comes fromSanskrit tapas which means fire. Originally all yellow stones were called by the name Topaz, and indeed, while peridot is found on the Island of Topazos, actual Topaz is not.
Because of it’s golden glow, Egyptians considered topaz a stone of the sun god, receiving its brilliant color from Ra, and was thought to give the owner protection from harm. Ancient Romans, as well, associated the stone with their sun god, Jupiter. In Hindu thought, a topaz worn over the heart prevents thirst, promotes longevity and intelligence. In medieval times the stone was a stone of royalty. The topaz has been thought a holy stone and pilgrims would travel to kiss the topaz of Popes Gregory II and Clement VI, believing it a cure for illness and general promoter of health. It was thought that favor of royalty could be incanted by placing a falcon figurine on a topaz stone.The Briganza Diamond in the 17th century Portuguese crown was thought at one time to be the largest diamond ever cut, but since this time has been found to be pure topaz. It is also provides the wearer protection by changing color when in the vicinity of poison.
Topaz has long been accredited with the generation of it’s own light. St. Hildegarde claimed to have read by the light of topaz Used in ritual, magick, medicine, and metaphysics, the power of the topaz increases and decreases with the phases of the moon. In Africa it is used in rituals to call spirits and heal the sick.
Medicinally, because of the belief the stone has the ability to control heat, topaz has been used to fight fever. It is also used to stimulate the endocrine system, regenerate tissue, improve eyesight, and treat hemorrhages and blood disorders, and aid in poor appetite. It is also known to be a powerful agent against asthma. .
Metaphysically, topaz is used to cool hot temperaments and anger. It increases intelligence and gives heightened courage. Topaz amulets offer powerful protection against all evil magick and energies,casting out all enchantments, allowing clear spiritual vision. It protects also against untimely death,and so, is useful in dispelling sadness, and night terrors, allowing peaceful sleep. It’s warm sun likevibrations make it also a powerful agent in general healing, and spiritual regeneration. It is an emotional stabilizer, fighting both mood swings and exhaustion. The yellow stone is useful for building personal power and confidence by aleviating restrictions of the solar plexus, instilling courage. The natural blue stone, known as the writer’s stone, facilitates the throat chakra encouraging heightened mental function and creativity. While topaz may be used any time, it is most effective when used by the light of the moon, and is strongest when the moon is full.
A gift of topaz is a gift of protection, health, and courage.