RHS1 Connector – March 2006
In this issue…Feature Fact –Bahamas Treasure Trove — — Rockhound Recipes and Tips, column –Travel: — Rockhounding British Columbia– Feature Article, Serial, Metaphysics and History of Minerals, this issue, Lapis Lazuli.

Fun Facts: As mysterious ancient artifacts are studied and tested by scientists the evidence is growing that an ancient society existed which understood aerodynamics and, in fact, had flying machines, perhaps not too unlike our own.
In Saqquara, Egypt a wooden artifact dated at over 2,000 years old was discovered that looked almost exactly like a modern glider. Tests by experts proved the artifact actually did fly and showed advanced knowledge of the principles of aerodynamics. Other golden trinkets found in Columbia, Venezuela, and Peru, dated from between 500 and 1,500 years old, and once considered to be depictions of fish, were found after study by experts to be unlikely anything other than models of machines of flights.
The list of evidences of ancient societies with capabilities to build and maneuver flying machines continues to grow and consists of wall paintings, literature, artifacts, hieroglyphic like carvings, and geographic anomalies ranging in ages up to 10, 000 years.

With the support of the Bahamian Government, the crew of Old Charter Salvage is working feverishly to unearth a recent treasure strike which shows promise of being of major proportions. While Don Patterson, President of Old Charter Salvage could only tell so much due to a non-disclosure agreement, he was able to give a few very interesting facts about the find.
Using five of RHS1 member Bob Fitzgerald’s Vector Recovery equipment models (The Navigator, Trailblazer, Mother-load locate, Maxi-Pulse Plus, and the PPL) plus seven other Geophysical Instruments and test methods to confirm the target, the presences of Gold, Silver, Diamonds, and Emeralds were detected in four target fields. All tests ran positive with not one failure. One of the four target fields runs a whopping 4ft X 8ft X 24 ft. Patterson is reluctant to reveal what exactly they think the find is and merely expressed “I don’t want people to think I’m nuts.” Apparently we will have to ask him after the completion of the excavation if it was what he had thought it to be.

To add to the excitement of this project in which Old Charter Salvage has invested three years, thousands of man hours, and over a million dollars, the company is now speaking with a prominent Hollywood group who has shown interest in filming the entire excavation.

Above Image: Earth from Space:
San Salvador (Watling’s) Island, the Bahamas 2 December 2005:Credits: ESA ( European Space Agency)
Click here for larger image of San Salvador: Then click on new image to enlarge:
I’m sure that many of us will be wanting to see the coverage of this event. Until then you can find the Old Charter Salvage, Inc’s website :
visit www.oldcharter.com
Rock Hound Station 1
Global Rockhound Community
Will catch up with club news next month. Just moved house… phew!…Sally

Rock Hound Station 1
Global Rockhound Community

images credit: compliments of J.Cayer
TRAVEL: British Columbia, Canada
For those with the true Wild spirit of the outdoors, there is nothing comparable to a trip to the BC, Canada area of the Great Northwest. It is a land of lush verdant forestry, towering mountains, ocean coasts, roaring mountain streams and rivers, numerous sight seeing attractions, scenic towns full of friendly people, a multitude of wildlife, and a long, long list of gem and treasure hunting delights.
For the adventure seeking gem and treasure hunter, it is hard to imagine having enough time to explore the many features of this region. There are literally scores of history rich ghost towns left from the gold mining era in BC. Some are partially habited presently and offer some services for the traveler, while others are merely remnants of the busy mining era that supported them. All offer possibilities for the hearty gold prospector and the treasure hunter.
The jade lover will be interested in noting that BC leads the worlds production in jade. That is not the only gemstone available in BC, however. Jaspers, quartz crystals, geodes, amethyst, opal, agate, tourmaline, garnet, amber, thundereggs, and several other interesting minerals are scattered liberally throughout the coastal mountains and NW Rockies. In BC you can’t go too far without running into a great rock hunting locality. Many remain yet to be discovered.
When all that rock and treasure hunting leaves you stiff and achy you will also find that BC has some wonderful hot springs. Some are developed and some you will need to hike in to, so there is the hot springs experience to suit every taste in soaking pleasures.

images credit: compliments of J.Cayer
For those planning a trip to this majestic wonderland, it is important to note that many mountain areas of BC are not passable during the winter. While coastal regions can tend to mildness during winter seasons, snowfalls are commonly quite heavy in the higher altitudes there. If you are a mountain lover, you will do best to plan your visit to BC for well into the summer months. Be prepared for chilly nights no matter how warm the day time temperatures may be. Also be prepared for a little rain. Those rich shades of green do not happen in a desert.
Rock Hound Station 1
Global Rockhound Community

To the Native American Indians, corn was food fit for the gods and man. Indians did not raise cattle or drink milk and they were horrified to see the settlers bring cows and let them graze on the maize. Perhaps we were the savages?
Whether you use fresh corn or canned corn, corn is a wonderful ingredient in camp cooking. Ears of corn last almost forever. Scientists have popped corn over 1000 years old. And we wonder why no one is doing anything about global warming…
Buttermilk Corn Muffins
1 egg
1 C buttermilk
2 T melted butter
¾ C all-purpose flour
¾ C yellow cornmeal
2 t baking soda
1 t baking powder
½ t salt
Preheat oven to 425 degrees F. In bowl, beat egg, buttermilk and butter to blend. In another bowl, combine dry ingredients; stir in liquid mixture until just blended. Spoon batter into 4 greased extra-large muffin cups. Bake 20 minutes or until toothpick inserted in middle of muffin comes out clean. Makes 4 muffins.
Mexican Grilled Corn
Corn with husks on
Chili powder
Salt and pepper to taste
Lime wedges
Cover corn in cold water and soak for 30 minutes. Preheat grill over campfire (or on your nuclear-powered grill). Shake off water from corn and grill, turning frequently until evenly charred, about 20 minutes.
Using towel, pick up each ear of corn and pull back husks and silk, leaving them attached to stem for easy eating. Continue grilling, turning frequently, until evenly charred, about 7 minutes.
Meanwhile, melt 1 T butter for each ear of corn. Add chile powder, salt and pepper to taste. Brush butter on cobs and serve with wedge of lime.
Smoked Turkey on Corn Muffins
Buttermilk Corn Muffin batter (above)
¾ t poultry seasoning
½ C cranberry sauce
Smoked turkey slices
Preheat oven to 425 degrees F. Prepare batter, adding poultry seasoning to dry ingredients. When muffins are done, cut in half and add turkey slices with a dollop of cranberry sauce on each bottom. Cover with top. Muffins may be made in advance and warmed on campfire.
Fish and Corn Caldo
3 T olive oil
1 onion, chopped
4 garlic cloves, chopped
2 tomatoes, seeded and diced
4 C fish stock or clam juice (can use water or wine or beer)
2 small unpeeled potatoes, cut into chunks
2 ears corn, cleaned and cut into ½ inch slices
1 t dried oregano
2 pounds white fish fillet (flounder, sea bass or red snapper), but into 2-inch chunks
1-2 Jalapeos, seeded and minced
½ C fresh cilantro
Salt and pepper to taste.
Juice of one lime.
Heat oil over medium-high heat in non-aluminum stockpot. Sauté onion and garlic until golden. Add tomatoes and continue cooking, stirring frequently, for 5 minutes. Pour in fish stock, potatoes, corn and oregano. Bring to boil, reduce heat and simmer for 20 minutes.
Add fish and return to boil. Reduce to simmer and cook, covered, until fish is opaque, about 10 minutes. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Add remaining ingredients and serve. Serves 4.
Hominy Salad
1 15-oz can white or golden hominy, rinsed and drained
2 medium tomatoes, chopped
½ red onion, chopped
2 Jalapenos, seeded and minced
½ C fresh cilantro, chopped
¼ C black olives, chopped
Juice of one lime
Salt and pepper to taste
Combine all vegetables and spices, add lime juice, season with salt and pepper. Chill to meld flavors or eat as is. Four servings.
Corn and Zucchini Soup
2 T butter
1 onion, sliced
2 garlic cloves, minced
4 small zucchinis, peeled and chopped 2 C corn kernels
2 medium tomatoes, seeded and diced
2 T fresh basil, shredded
2 10-3/4 oz. cans of chicken broth (can use water or vegetable broth)
1 C half and half (cream)
Salt and pepper to taste
In large saucepan, melt butter. Add onion and garlic and sauté over medium-high heat until soft. Add zucchini and cook about 2 minutes until zucchini is barely tender. Stir in corn, tomatoes, basil and broth. Bring to boil. Reduce heat and simmer 5 minutes. Stir in half and half and simmer until heated (do not boil). Add salt and pepper to taste. Six servings.
Corn Griddle Cakes
1 C yellow cornmeal ¼ C all-purpose flour
½ t baking soda
½ t salt
1 egg, beaten
¾ C milk
½ C sour cream
1-1/2 C corn kernels
Butter, syrup or jam
In large bowl, combine dry ingredients. In another bowl, combine egg, milk and sour cream. Pour egg mixture over dry ingredients and mix just until moist. Fold in corn.
Grease griddle or large skillet and heat over medium-high heat. Drop batter onto pan to make 4-inch cakes. Cook until brown on both sides. Serve with butter, syrup or jam. Makes about 12 cakes, 4 servings.
Candied Corn Kernels
2 C corn kernels
1-1/2 C sugar
1 C water
In large skillet, combine corn, 1 C sugar and water. Cook over medium heat stirring occasionally until corn is deep golden, 45-60 minutes. Drain, then roll in remaining sugar. Spread in single layer on baking sheet to cool. Store in plastic bag or container. Use as topping for ice cream, to fancy up plan pudding, or as a substitute for nuts in baked desserts. Makes 2 cups.
Keep on Rocking in the Free World!
Eileen Trainor is a writer, webmaster and marketer. Visit Eileen’s Blogspot and her marketing blog
Travel Tales:
Advertising for Success:
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Rock Hound Station 1
Global Rockhound Community

Birthstone: Sometimes listed as alternative for September.
Zodiac: Sagittarius .
Birthstone: Astrological Sign: Lapis Lazuli is actually a rock rather than a gem. It’s basic components are lazurite, hauynite, sodalite, noselite, calcite, and pyrite. A deep royal blue with sprinkles of pyrite (golden) and no calcite veins is the most valuable form of the stone, however; too much pyrite will devalue the stone. Many methods of imitation are used and care needs to be taken when buying lapis stones or jewelry. The golden flecks of pyrite are the most sure way to tell a real stone but not 100% accurate. Genuine Lapis will smell like sulphur (rotten eggs) when HCL is applied to it.
Lapis Lazuli has been known and coveted for about 6,000 years – almost as long as humans have been known to have used gold. It was first mined in Afghanistan, where the first mines are still being worked today. For a long period of time Lapis was known as “sapphirus” just as were many other blue gems. Eventually the term “sapphire” was narrowed to mean only sapphire as we call it today and the term “Lapis Lazuli” was applied to this magnificent stone. “Lapis” meaning “stone” in Latin, and “lazhward” meaning “blue” is from a dialect from the area of the original Lapis mines in Badakhshan (Afghanistan) which incorporated the word from Persian.
Lapis was used mainly for ornamental purposes, except for in Babylon and Syria where it was also used for seals. It was highly regarded as a royal stone thought to be magical and regarded as more valuable than gold. Scarabs of Lapis were often placed in the tombs of the dead for the deceased use in the afterlife. Thousands of artifacts, including jewelry and carved statues and seals, have been unearthed from royal tombs dating back over 5,000 years in Sumeria.

In the Roman era, lapis was coveted as a powerful aphrodisiac. It is one of the twelve stones in the Breastplate of Aaron (Bible: Exodus xxviii, 15 – 30). The “sapphire” that the ten commandments were inscribed on is now thought by many scholars to have actually been lapis lazuli. In the middle ages until the 1900’s brought synthetic paints to market, ground lapis was used as a paint called “ultramarine”. While other colors on painted items fades over the years, ultramarine keeps its deep rich intensity, and though not often used, ultramarine can still be purchased today.
Medicinally, lapis has been used against fevers and to boost the immune system. It has been thought to cure hearing, vision, throat, and lung ailments, and to generally purify the blood. It also is thought to relieve depression and insomnia by balancing the nervous system.
Metaphysically, lapis lazuli is a powerful stone which strengthens concentration, facilitating wisdom, insight, and knowledge allowing the user a deepened connection with and reception to universal energies. In this way the stone works to promote self-confidence, truth and strength of will. It heightens creativity and increases the ability of prophecy It’s powers promote general mental health and well being, and induces spiritual healing and tranquility.
A gift of Lapis is a gift of truth, spiritual, mental, and physical health, and enlightenment.