RHS1 Connector – June 2006
In this issue…Feature Fact –Bahamas Treasure Trove Update– — Rockhound Recipes and Tips, column –Travel: — New York- Feature Article, Serial, Metaphysics and History of Minerals, this issue, Jasper.
Birthstones originated from the Breast Plate of the High Priest of the Hebrews which was recorded in the Bible (Exodus 28 and 39). The Breast Plate, acclaimed to have been made in 1250 BC by Moses contained 12 stones, each which was associated with one of the 12 tribes of Israel. The stones later became associated with the signs of the zodiac and later with the months of the years.
There have been many different sets of birthstones used by various cultures at various times throughout history since the advent of the idea of birthstones. The current list of birthstones most widely accepted today is actually from a standardized list from the American National Association of Jewelers who adapted the list in 1912. The Zodiac stones are still preferred by many.
The original list of Stones and tribes they were associated with is as follows:
January Hyacinth Dan.
February Amethyst Gad.
March Jasper Benjamin.
April Sapphire Issachar.
May Agate Naphtali.
June Emerald Levi.
July Onyx Zebulun.
August Carnelian Reuben.
September Chrysolite Asher.
October Beryl Joseph.
November Topaz Simeon.
December Ruby Judah.


We’ve been keeping in touch with Don Patterson on the San Salvador treasure. Right now there is nothing new to report there as they are just finalizing odds and ends before the excavation, but Don didn’t want to disappoint everyone who loves treasure hunting so he gave me some information about a pal of his, Rob Kryder, down in New Mexico who has made a pretty exciting strike there.
If you are interested in treasure hunting, Archaeology, and gem hunting, you will definitely want to stay tuned to Rob’s site. He and his crew do some intriguing things and are turning up some extremely interesting artifacts that put a whole new light on what we know about ancient civilizations. They finding some pretty fantastic treasure at a site they discovered in New Mexico right now. Just take a look at these:
Our thanks to Don and Rob for getting these great pictures to us. The information came in a bit late to give any other details about this particular expedition, but the pictures tell a pretty good story in themselves.

Above Image: Earth from Space:
San Salvador (Watling’s) Island, the Bahamas 2 December 2005:Credits: ESA ( European Space Agency)
Rock Hound Station 1
Global Rockhound Community

Rockhoundstation1.com has changed formats folks. We are now a free site. That means everyone can use the forums, post pictures, and submit to the Gazette free, just for signing on.
We will be continuing to add features and services. Some services may carry a small charge for those interested in using them – we do have to be able to maintain the site, but many of the services will be free of charge for all to enjoy and benefit from.
If you are in need of a service for your business or website, please feel free to contact us and ask about it. We will be glad to do what we can to help you out. Don’t forget that Gazette entries and newsletter submissions are free of charge, too. If you need to get the word around about something or just have some awesome news to share with us, send us the information and we will be glad to post it for you (please stick to site subjects).
The RHS1 Travel Center is up and running now. You will be very impressed with the prices you can get on airfare and hotels through our Travel Center. If you have events planned for rockhounds or treasure hunters you can also arrange with us to get rebates on airfare and hotels when your participants book their travel through our service. Contact us for more information about this service or to make arrangements for the rebates.
We will be opening our first project at the end of June so please watch the forums for announcements about the project. We are hoping members will have a lot of fun contributing to this project. All participants will get shares of the profit from the end product.
That’s all of the Club News for now. Updates may be posted in the Gazette at any time so don’t forget to watch what is going on there, you never know what you will find in the Gazette.
Keep on Rockin’ .

Rock Hound Station 1
Global Rockhound Community

New York City. image credit: Wikipedia
While Manhattan Island and Niagara Falls are the popular destinations for those traveling to the state of New York, rockhounds and treasure hunters might be interested to know that this state has numerous places that they can do some serious hunting.
One of the most well known gems of New York is the Herkimer Diamond, a double terminated and well formed quartz crystal, found between Herkimer and Middleville. Purple tremolite can be found in St. Lawrence County, and garnets of fine quality can be collected in Warren County.

Around the state fossils of trilobites, brachiopods, clams, and other marine organisms can be found in the Ordovician rocks, and Marine fossils can be collected between Lake Ontario and the Finger Lakes region. Lucky hunters may even find the remains of an Eurypterus remipes, also known as “sea scorpion”. This creature grew up to two meters in length and hunted trilobites and cephalopods. It was the largest arthropod to have ever lived and was a fierce predator.

With all these terrific areas to hunt, don’t forget to see Niagara Falls or the Empire State building on your trip!

Rock Hound Station 1
Global Rockhound Community

Backpacking Recipes – June 2006 – Some of you may backpack in to spend the night at an unspoiled primitive camping site. This edition of Rocking Recipes is for you.
Camping Seasoning Mix
1/3 C Salt
1 T Paprika
1 T Garlic Powder
2 t Onion Powder
1/2 t Cayenne or substitute Curry
1/2 t Pepper
Mix well and store in a double zip-lock bag. This may be used as seasoning, added to a wine for a marinade, sprinkled on meat before grilling, or shaken over popcorn.
Pizza Baby
Biscuit mix
Part of can of tomato soup
Parmesan cheese
Cold meats
Chopped green pepper
Mix pizza dough and shape into a shallow dish about 12 cm across. Spoon soup into dish and top with other ingredients Place in a double wrap of heavy aluminum foil. Cook in hot coals or on rack over hot coals close to the heat.
Camp Chili
1 C Lentils
1 T Cumin
3 T Tomato soup powder
1 t Oregano
2 T Masa (or Corn flour)
1 t Salt
1 T Chili Powder
1 Clove Garlic
1 T Onion Flakes
4 C Water
Combine all the ingredients and simmer 30 – 45 Min.
Onion Potatoes
6 med Baking potatoes
1 pkg dry onion soup mix
1/2 C margarine
Scrub potatoes but do not peel. Cut potatoes in three or four lengthwise slices. Blend margarine and soup mix; spread on slices. Reassemble the potatoes. Wrap each potato in square of foil, overlapping ends. Bake until tender, turning once. Takes 45 to 60 minutes on the grill or right on top of coals depending on size of potatoes.
Hot Dog Surprise
1 Hot dog per person
American cheese, sliced into hot dog-length fingers
1 slice of Bacon per person
Cut a deep slit in each hotdog and stuff with finger of cheese. Then wrap on the diagonal with the bacon. Seal individually in foil. Cook on grill or coals about 45 minutes, or until cheese is melted and bacon is somewhat crisp. You may also cook these hotdogs on a car engine if anyone still does that.
Honey Granola Bars
1 ¼ C Quick-cooking oats
2 T Honey
1/4 C Whole wheat flour
1/3 C Raisins or Apricots
1/4 C wheat germ, Toasted
1/4 C Honey
Combine the oats, flour, wheat germ and cinnamon. Add the honey, and stir until the mixture is moist and crumbly. Fold in the raisins or apricots. Coat an 8-inch square pan with nonstick cooking spray. pat the mixture into the pan, and bake at 300 for 18-20 minutes, or until lightly browned. Cool to room temperature, cut into bars and pack.
Blazing Trail Mix
2 C Miniature wheat or bran squares
1 C thin pretzels sticks, broken into pieces
1/2 C lentils, cooked
1/2 C Quick-cooking rolled oats
1/2 C Raisins
1/2 C dried apples, chopped
1/4 C Honey
2 t Curry powder
1/2 t Coriander, ground
1/4 t Cumin, ground
1/4 t Paprika
1/8 t red pepper, Ground
In a 13×9-inch baking pan, combine the wheat or bran squares, pretzels, lentils, oats, raisins and apples. In a small bowl, stir together the honey, curry powder, coriander, cumin, paprika and pepper. Drizzle the honey mixture over the cereal mixture. Toss until evenly coated. Bake at 350 for 15 to 20 minutes or until crisp, stirring occasionally. Store in an airtight container or self-closing plastic bags. Makes 8 cups.
1 C Corn syrup (or molasses)
1/2 C Chocolate chips
1/2 C Wheat Germ
3/4 C Milk powder
1/2 C peanuts, crushed
1 C Oatmeal
1/2 C Raisins
1/2 C Peanut butter
Mix all the ingredient thoroughly. Roll into balls and each in a small piece of wax paper, twisting ends and chill.
1 C Peanut butter
1/2 C Honey
1/2 C Crushed graham crackers
1/4 C Powdered skim milk
3 T Cinnamon
1 T Powdered cloves
At home, mix ingredients. Store in plastic container and place in the refrigerator to harden overnight. Store in a plastic squeeze tube for easy carrying. Makes two cups.
Keep on Rocking in the Free World!
Eileen Trainor is a writer, webmaster and marketer.
Visit Eileen’s Blogspot and her marketing blog
Travel Tales:
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Rock Hound Station 1
Global Rockhound Community

Mystical Birthstone: October
Astrological: Virgo
Jasper is a form of chalcedony. It is structurally the same as agate, but it is opaque rather than translucent. Jasper can be found in just about all colors and an endless variety of interesting patterns. One popular form of jasper is called “picture jasper” and patterns and lines which give the appearance of landscapes such as mountain or river scenery. It is excellent for making cabochons or beads, and is a popular carving stone as it has a hardness of 6.5 – 7 and takes a fine polish.
While jasper today is inexpensive and pretty muchly overlooked as a semi-precious gem, it has a long and impressive history. It was one of the first stones to be used by humans and is generally accepted to have played a large part in the development of trade and commerce. Artifacts of jasper have been found dating back to the Paleolithic era and have been discovered in the relics of ancient cultures world wide.
Egyptians used green jasper to make heart scarabs to place with their dead to help their journey into the spiritual realms and scripture from the Book of the Dead were carved into these scarabs. Carvings of jasper have been found in Assyria, one of the first great cultures of the world. Green Jasper was also the Foundation Stone of the Temple Mount which played an important part in Jewish, Arabian, and Christian tradition. One of the 12 stones of the Breast Plate of Aaron in Genesis is jasper and Balmung, Siegried’s sword had jasper stones set in the hilt following the belief that jasper was the warrior’s stone.
It has long been a stone revered by spiritual leaders of religions worldwide. It was used by shamen for protection from evil spirits. American Indians used Jasper for carving weapons and thought it to bring luck. In many Indian cultures it was named “rain bringer” and in Arabia it was also thought to be a rain stone. Jasper carvings have also been found in America dating back as far as 3,800 years.
Medicinally jasper has also been an important stone throughout history. It has been used to aid the healing of disorders of the liver, kidneys, bladder, and stomach, and sexual organs. It also protects against environmental toxins, boosts the immune system, improves sense of smell, and balances the mineral content of the body.
Metaphysically, jasper is used to align the chakras, give protection from unhealthy desires, stabilize, and give courage in the face of conflict whether physical or mental.
Astral projection is aided using jasper. It can help one surpass perceived limitations and also aids in materializing ideas. The stone also aids in organizing and developing a positive outlook. Red jasper can facilitate memory of dreams, especially portions that convey a useful message.
A gift of jasper is a gift of protection and stability.